Certification and information

Performance of obligations under valid legal regulations

1. Section 21(5)(a):

1.1. trade name: MaFiPo s.r.o.
1.2. registered office: Říčany, Škroupova 891/19, postcode 25101
1.3. persons who act on behalf of the insurance intermediary:
1.3.1. Petr Bartoš, Managing Director (in all matters), telephone: +420 602 365 260, mail: mafipo@mafipo.cz
1.3.2. Alena Bartošová, Managing Director (in all matters), telephone: +420 775 365 261, mail: mafipo@mafipo.cz

2. Section 21(5)(b):
2.1. MaFiPo s.r.o. is registered in the register of insurance intermediaries and independent claims adjusters (032245PA, 032246PM).
2.2. The entry in the register can be verified on the Internet on the website of the Czech National Bank [ČNB]: (https://apl.cnb.cz/apljerrsdad/JERRS.WEB09.DIRECT_FIND?p_lang=cz)

3. Section 21(5)(c):
3.1. The insurance intermediary has no direct or indirect interest in voting rights and the capital of any insurance company.

4. Section 21(5)(d):
4.1. No insurance company or entity controlling an insurance company has any direct or indirect interest in voting rights and the capital of the insurance intermediary.

5. Section 21(5)(e):
5.1. Complaint procedure against the insurance intermediary: a complaint may be lodged with the company’s Managing Director (see para. 1.3.1.).
5.2. Procedure for initiating an action against the insurance intermediary: in conformity with the Civil Procedure Code.

5.3. The procedure under Act No. 229/2002 Coll. (on Financial Arbitrators) (www.finarbitr.cz) can be followed in case of life insurance disputes.
5.4. Moreover, disputes may be resolved out of court through the mediation of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (www.coi.cz).
5.5. Clients have a right to file a complaint with a supervisory body, i.e. the Czech National Bank (www.cnb.cz).

6. Section 21(6)(a):
6.1. The insurance intermediary intermediates insurance in a manner where the insurance intermediary is under no obligation to submit a proper analysis under Section 21(7) of Act No. 38/2004 Coll.

7. Section 21(6)(b):
7.1. The insurance intermediary has no contractual obligation to intermediate insurance for one or more insurance companies on an exclusive basis.

8. Section 21(6)(c):
see paragraphs 6 and 7

9. Section 21(7):
9.1. Any recommendation issued by the insurance intermediary are generally based on practical experience in claims adjustment.

10. Section 21(8):
10.1. Client's requirements and needs are recorded by the insurance intermediary by means of their insurance demand or applications for a change of an insurance policy, which the insurance intermediary submits to the insurance company concerned.

11. Section 21(9):
11.1. Information under Section 21(5) through (8) is provided by the insurance intermediary on data media accessible to clients, specifically on the insurance intermediary’s website at the address: http://www.mafipo.cz/information.html, or in form of a written notification.